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Teeth Whitening

Teeth Whitening

Bleaching Trays

Now you can have significantly whiter teeth in a matter of a few days using Webster Dental Care’s advanced teeth whitening techniques. Both comfortable and affordable, our teeth whitening procedure involves your wearing a specially crafted tray for a few hours in order to achieve a surprising difference in your smile! There are several methods to whiten teeth, let’s learn a little more about the best methods.

The doctors at Webster Dental Care have found a simple process that effectively whitens an entire arch (all the top teeth or all the bottom teeth) in just 19 days. This method uses an etching process that is done in the office on the first and approximately the eighth day along with a take home gel that is applied by you. You should be aware that the results vary according to the individual, the innate shading of their teeth and of course, your diligence in following the instructions. It is also very helpful when you eliminate as many dark beverages from your diet as possible. These include colas, coffees, teas, red wines, etc. Also, you should not smoke during this period. Some side effects may be evident, including cold sensitivity and a rough feeling of your teeth. These will return to normal after the bleaching is completed.

Zoom! Teeth Whitening

Zoom! in-office tooth whitening is a procedure designed to lighten the color of your teeth using a combination of a hydrogen peroxide gel and a specially designed ultraviolet lamp. The Zoom! treatment involves using the gel and lamp in conjunction with each other to produce maximum whitening results in the shortest possible time. During the procedure, the whitening gel will be applied to your teeth and your teeth will be exposed to the light from the Zoom! lamp for two (2), 15-minute sessions. Some patients may require additional sessions in order to achieve a better result. During the entire treatment, a plastic retractor will be placed in your mouth to help keep it open and the soft tissues of your mouth (i.e., your lips, gums, cheeks and tongue) will be covered to ensure they are not exposed to either the gel or light. Lip balm (SPF rating: 30+) may also be applied as needed and you will be provided an ultraviolet light filter for your eyes. After the treatment is completed, the retractor and all gel and tissue coverings will be removed from your mouth. Before and after the treatment, the shade of your upper-front teeth will be assessed and recorded.

To see how the Zoom! Whitening System works, visit our Dental Videos page and watch the Zoom! Whitening System video.

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