We have acquired the former Chicago Dental Professionals, and we appreciate the opportunity to continue your care at our offices.
Join us in welcoming Dr. Andrew Weiss and Dr. Jon Richter to the team! Read more here.

Home After Care


Extractions have before, during and aftercare instructions.
Thorough planning for all of these can make your experience a more comfortable one.

Before the extraction procedure:

  • You may want to schedule a day or two off for this procedure in order to make time for recovery in your schedule.
  • If you are taking birth control pills, contact us for additional precautions.
  • Make sure you have someone who can bring you to the visit and take you home.
  • Ask us if taking an anti-inflammatory prior to your procedure might be beneficial.

In the first 24 hour period after your procedure:

  • Use gauze to bite on for up to an hour until any bleeding stops.
  • Don’t rinse, spit or suck on items .
  • Brushing and flossing should be avoided in the area of the extraction.
  • Don’t use any tobacco until fully healed.
  • Spend time relaxing and elevate your head in bed.
  • Avoid hot drinks, carbonated beverages and alcohol.

One day after your procedure:

  • You should be able to eat regularly after discomfort has subsided.
  • Continue with prescribed medications.
  • Use a moist heating pad or moist heat pack for any remaining swelling or pain.
  • Use warm salt water to rinse your mouth for the next few days.
  • Your brushing and flossing routine should be resumed. However, be gentle until full recovery has occurred.

If you have any increase in bleeding or pain or other unusual issues, feel free to call us.

However, it is normal to feel some pain and discomfort for a few days after the procedure.