We have acquired the former Chicago Dental Professionals, and we appreciate the opportunity to continue your care at our offices.
Join us in welcoming Dr. Andrew Weiss and Dr. Jon Richter to the team! Read more here.
We have acquired the former Chicago Dental Professionals, and we appreciate the opportunity to continue your care at our offices.
Join us in welcoming Dr. Andrew Weiss and Dr. Jon Richter to the team! Read more here.
This area of dentistry is the area of the mouth holding your teeth in in your jaw bone. It covers both the gum tissue and the underlying jaw bone. The periodontist works closely with the General Dentist and the Hygienist to insure that your teeth will be with you for the rest of your life. Some of the newer topics in this area include: Gingival Grafts, Bone Grafts and Scaling.
An Explanation of Flap Surgery
The gum is lifted from the tooth and bone so infection can be removed. The infected bone may alse be reshaped.
After surgery, the gum is repositioned and sutured to hold it in place until it heals.
There are many reasons gums recede, besides getting old. These include orthodontic movement, using a brush that is old or has hard bristles, scrubbing instead of brushing, crooked teeth and bad habits such as chewing nails. All these things could cause the gum tissue to recede below normal level, often exposing the root. This is often unsightly and can cause extreme sensitivity to hot and cold. There are now several methods that can be used to reattach the gingival tissue to its normal level. Dr. Beard, our Periodontist, would be glad to consult with you regarding this problem.
All too often the Periodontist is associated with gum surgery. Years ago, if infection destroyed the bone it meant that you would lose the tooth or the surgery would result in bone removal making the teeth look longer in the mouth. In addition to gingival grafts, Dr. Beard is now able to use either synthetic or freeze dried bone to correct many boney defects, eliminating long periodontal surgeries.
In an effort to rid your teeth of the plaque and tartar that causes gum disease (gingivitis) and tooth decay, your Webster Dental Care hygienist may suggest a regime of care that requires more frequent visits. These visits are recommended to remove the offending plaque and tartar – frequently below the gum line – and keep it away in order to help keep your gums and natural teeth healthy. Local anesthetics are often used to make this procedure more comfortable. Should you require a more detailed explanation of Webster Dental Care’s Scaling and Root Planing program, please don’t hesitate to give us a call.
Plaque and tartar are scraped off the tooth’s crown and roots. Scaling is usually performed with root planing. |
The rough surfaces of the root are smoothed, allowing the gum to heal. The procedure may take several appointments. |